

Pattern for Designer UNDIs

click here for a one-page summary packed with fun vocabulary!


towards a yummy summary

What this experience means for this project, myself, and my ‘career’ are still simmering in my head. There’s a packet of selected responses available for download… here’s hoping this soup will taste good!

designer UNDIs ~ defined

Urban Nutrient Detritivore Infrastructures thrive in cities. The higher density and diversity of inputs offers a nutrient-rich hunting ground for detritivores: those that feed on waste, like vultures. Infrastructure, both physical and organizational will tie these ideas together.

This design thesis is exploring responses to both waste + nutrients ~ designer UNDIs are both acronym and analogy.

My understanding of the food system is shown in the diagram below. We understand the input side much better than the waste flows from production, distribution, and consumption. My approach uses the waste side of food supply to bridge inequities and issues with this system.


In this instance, nutrients do refer to food, but could be any process that redirects waste for use as an ingredient.
The following are a collection of ideas, the majority are my own, with some resurrected practices and some fringe products represented. Please help me continue to develop them by responding with any comments you may have!

This thesis acknowledges waste by exposing it and using it as fodder for responses to the current system of burial and decomposition.

00-wheel2“The future of an architect is to design an urban process rather than a space.”    Teddy Cruz

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how to read a RIG

This is the current layout that will be used to explain the ideas… Suspend reasoning why these won’t work, and take a ride with me down ‘What If’ Lane. I am interested in your opinion on what obstacles and opportunities  exist with implementing these responses [environmental, social, economic, regulatory, corporate]?

There are a few categories of RIGs: info [information], metro [metropolitan region], retro [bringing back an old idea] , and BIG.RIGs [combinations].



info.RIGs have less of a spatial implication, operating more in the societal realm of knowledge + understanding of food security


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metro.RIGs have spatial implications for metropolitan regions across a variety of topics including, but not limited to: land use, institutional programming, policies, and design [what is designed where and for who]



retro.RIGs seek to reintegrate traditional techniques into today’s food system, potentially reinventing them with a 21st century theme


Star Trucks


Craft Competitions
